
Misconceptions About Abortion Summary

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In "Misconceptions About Abortion" by Pro-Choice Action Network they go over all of the misconceptions towards abortion, and how abortion is a private matter between a woman and her doctor; we have the right to do what we please with our body. The law has never stopped woman from getting an abortion, it just causes them to go to the black-market and have an unsafe abortion. Having an abortion can help maintain an exact number of kids or no kids you desire, adults have reasoning behind this, some families don’t have enough money to raise a child, families with unwanted children usually live in the lowest levels of society. Motherhood is something that should be taken seriously, bringing in a child that will not have any chances of living a happy life will most likely grow up with psychological issues, causing the child pain for most their life. This article wants to inform its readers not to believe the misconceptions you read about in other articles, it is proving all points wrong.

Standard form of the “Misconceptions About Abortions” article:

P1: The risk of dying from childbirth is about 13 times that for early abortion, and the …show more content…

In the biblical argument Kerby goes over biblical view of the sanctity of human life in Psalm 139 and how it should be an inspiration. In the medical argument it discusses how it is surrounded by the definition of life and death, and how a flat EEG (electroencephalograph) means death, however when that line is not flat that means there is life, meaning that embryo is alive. In “Arguments Against Abortion” Anderson goes over the Roe V. Wade case and how the state laws that protected the unborn and has resulted in over 30 million abortions. A philosophical question would be “ where do you draw the line? Put another way, when does a human being become a person?”

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