Throughout history we have slowly gained more and more information about genetics, our environment, and how they interact with each other. Neither of those things could determine a human’s (or any other animal’s) independently, but when you put them together you learn why humans are the way they are. Genetic diversity, natural selection, and evolution are just a few of the incredible things that makes humans, as well as all living things, truly beautiful. The first question I would like to answer is, “How does genetic diversity provide the material for ‘natural selection’?” It all comes down to who and what can survive and reproduce. Without genetic diversity, it would be more difficult for natural selection to eliminate those who cannot provide good and strong genes for generations to come. For example, the runt …show more content…
A shark cannot look into the future and decide that in order to be prepared, it will mate with another species of shark and thus produce a new species that can withstand rising temperatures. Living beings change and adapt as the environment changes. Humans can be put into a stressful workplace and instead of quitting, we have the ability to adapt to our surrounds by finding ways to cope or lessen the stress. We make changes as needed, much like evolution. There are three misconceptions about evolution. One of these is that an animal or being can make changes in preparation for the future even though those changes will have no use in the current conditions. Another one of these misconceptions is that each being has a specific path and time frame they’re supposed to take to reach certain levels of evolution but there is no definite schedule. The last one of these misconceptions is that natural selection can be deemed right in the human sense of right or wrong. However, all things that are natural are not necessarily good, and this is referred to as the naturalistic
Human evolution: the study of how and why our human ancestors changed over millions of years.
Genetic diversity allows the population to adapt to changing environments and it contributes and adds to the gene pool.
The 2001 film “Evolution”, is an entertaining film about an alien species being introduced to earth via meteor. However, this film seems to contain a copious amount scientific inaccuracies. For example, when the meteor is traveling through space, the movie presents the meteor rushing towards Earth with sound. However, space is a vacuum, so there for there would be no sound in space.
The debate over Evolutionary theories and Creationism beliefs has been a major debate throughout our churches, education system, and even our homes. There have been countless scientists, theologians, journalists and Christians that have studied both sides of the spectrum, that argue how the world we live in was created. Many empty statements, with little to no facts, just assertions about this particular question have been stated in many debates all over the world. So on one side we have Creationism belief that essentially argues that God is the “intelligent designer” and on the other side Evolutionary theories that state the world has evolved over the centuries. In the Merriam- Webster dictionary, Creationism is defined as, “a doctrine or theory holding that matter, the various forms of life, and the world were created by God out of nothing and usually in the way described in Genesis “. Merriam- Webster dictionary also defines Evolution as, “a theory that the differences between modern plants and animals are because of changes that happened by a natural process over a very long time; the process by which changes in plants and animals happen over time; a process of slow change and development”. So is it possible to believe both of those definitions?
The subject of origins, or how we got here, is one of the most fundamental questions that can be asked. The important question of why we are here can’t be answered by science alone. How we answer these questions provides the basis for how we think about things, it defines our world-view. The Evolution vs. Creation debate is often referred to as the Great Debate. 20th century science has made the compelling discovery that, at some point, the universe began. Both sides of the debate Evolutionists and Creationists agree on one thing only, that the universe has not always existed. This is where their agreement ends. The why and how the universe began is where the division and dispute begins.
Genetic diversity provides a species with its form and function. A species genotype refers to their genetic code; what their cells are going to be used for – hair cell, eye cell, muscle cell, etc. A species phonotype refers to the way in which that species gene will be expressed – blonde hair, blue eyes, large muscle tone; which significantly impacts the success of that individuals genes. Without genetic diversity among populations the gene pools would be very limited, which gives way to a rise in mutations and inevitably the end of a species. “Genes regulate body size, shape,
The human genome project is a way of inspecting our molecular selves. There are three billions of letters that make up the DNA in the human genome that scientists have to study in order to understand our molecular cells. Furthermore, there are all distinct sets of genes that interact with environmental factors, which directly influence things like our physical appearance, personalities and risks for diseases. Geneticist, Jeffery C. Long “None of the observable traits that people associate with race are simple genetic traits. Complex traits are influenced by several genes as well as environment.” -Long, Jeffery C. "RACE - Exploring Our Molecular Selves." RACE - Exploring Our Molecular Selves. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
Natural selection is considered one of the most important processes for a variety of species and the environment which allows the fittest organisms to produce offspring. To prevent a species from extinction, it is necessary for them to adapt to the surrounding environment. The species which have the ability to adapt to new surroundings will be able to pass their genes through reproduction. Within the process of natural selection, it is possible for the original genetic make-up of a species to become altered. The team will report on the different processes of basic mechanisms of evolution, how natural selection results in biodiversity and why biodiversity is important to continued evolution. The sources of genetic
Throughout this class I have found myself reading both sides of the arguments pro evolution and against it as well. Every week it was interesting to see what the discussion was about because I was able to google search websites that rebuttal led a lot of the topics. In this week’s question I believe that there way too many sources to cited for the “explanation to the specific argument against the evolutionary theory”. However I chose one that I found to be as complete against as much as possible. I found on the Institute for Creation Research website, and article titled, “The Scientific Case Against Evolution”; by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. In his article he starts off with a Bang and states that; “These statements inadvertently show that evolution
Naturally occurring genetic differences among the same species is genetic variation, which is very important to the existence of that certain species. “This variation permits flexibility and survival of a population in the face of changing environmental circumstances” (Nature Education). When a species has low genetic variation all of the individuals are nearly identical. When something negative impacts the environment such as, disease or habitat loss, all of the individuals will be affected in the same way. A population with high genetic diversity some individuals would have genetic makeup that allows them to adapt. Once they have adapted the species has a much better chance of survival, especially when they reproduce, and the trait will be passed on. Genetic diversity is always changing within a species, and the variants that survive in the next generation, will contribute to them in the future. Without genetic variation animals cannot adapt, which makes them much more vulnerable to becoming endangered and even extinct.
There has been a lot of scientific research done into genetics, genetic crosses and inheritance enabling us to understand why we have the certain characteristics and traits that we do, how we inherited them and how we can pass them on. It’s because of this research that we can understand and learn about our genetic makeup and why it effects the way we are.
Understanding human evolutions is important for identifying the stages of humanity and for understanding how our societies have developed. When most of us think about human
The evolution of human being has been linked to human variation where the variation will be in reference to the biological aspect of the human being which will relate to the racial differences that may include the physical differences, as well as the skin, and the skeleton of the human being. However, despite the variations which may be seen in terms of race, in the current world today, human beings belong to the same particular species which is normally known as Homo sapiens.
If these traits that it possesses that made it different were useful than that creature may reproduce more than normal. Of course in Darwin’s day DNA had not been discovered but it was known that traits were passed to offspring. Natural selection is when the organisms with good traits survive the trials of nature. Artificial selection is what breeders do, the cow that gives more milk, or the plant that produces larger fruit are selected to be reproduced. Encyclopedia Encarta defines natural selection as “the process by which environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success among individuals of a population of organisms with different hereditary characters, or traits. The characters that inhibit reproductive success decrease in frequency from generation to generation. The resulting increase in the proportion of reproductively successful individuals usually enhances the adaptation of the population to its environment”
“Although we are all members of a single species, we differ from one another in such visible traits as the color of our skin and the shape of our noses, and in biochemical factors such as our blood types and our susceptibility to certain diseases” (Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, 2013, p. 34). To understand human physical development and evolution one has to understand biological anthropology as the focus on humans as biological organisms. Biological anthropologist conduct research, and form techniques of modern molecular biology to learn about human variation and how it relates to different environment humans lived in as well as their conditions.