
Misconceptions Of The Mayas: Civilized Americans

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The Mayas: Civilized Americans

While Europeans, Asians, and other inhabitants of the known world were making their great civilizations, Americans were doing the same. Behind the backs of the peoples of the known world, the Americans were building their own great civilizations and empires. When spanish explorers reached america, they would find that one of their popular misconceptions was just that: a misconception. Civilization was not unique to the known world. The Mayas had already built a great empire.

Within the Mayan empire was a highly religious culture. The religion of the Mayas was in everything. Even something as simple as a ball game, depicted in a stone carving, had deep religious meaning. Whichever team lost this game would be sacrificed to the gods. Any civilization with such religious devotion will usually place great value on religious figures, and the Mayas …show more content…

Mayan temples sat atop great pyramids made of stone. Many of these pyramids still stand. The pyramids and temples atop them are examples of the advanced architectural abilities of the mayans. Architecture wasn’t the only thing that the mayans excelled at. Also like egyptians, the mayans had a hieroglyphic writing system. The little writing that survived the spanish conquest has told historians almost all they know about the maya civilization. Without writing, the mayan legacy would have virtually perished. One of the most useful accomplishments that the mayans made was the creation of their calendars. Not only did calenders help mayans know what time of the year it was and when to plant or harvest crops, but a second religious calendar that only mayan priests were allowed to learn how to read told mayans when it was the right time for an event, even if the event had little religious meaning. Despite their greatness, the accomplishments of the mayan civilization were not enough to prevent it from

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