
Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield and Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

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Bliss and Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield and Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin On studying the texts Bliss and Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield and Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin I have associated all the stories with a sense of female repression. All the short stories feature a main female character and this character is being repressed in various ways such as by another character or their lives in general. In all the stories the awareness of repression appears towards the end mainly due to an event that has taken place. This event brings forth a realisation of their lives, which is so far from the rest of the story. The realisation that occurs in ‘Bliss’ is that Bertha finds out that her husband, Harry, is having an …show more content…

Miss Brill, the main character throughout the story is repressed by her lifestyle. She does not realise this till after a specific event has occurred and is blissfully happy at the beginning. Miss Brill every Sunday afternoon would go to the park, sit on a bench and generally watch people. She is happy to do this week after week and her happiness is exposed in the way she always has positive comments about people such as ‘they were beautifully dressed’ and ‘the hero and the heroine of course…’ These are all positive comments and she literally says in the text how much she enjoys it, ‘oh, how fascinating it was! How she enjoyed it. How she loved sitting there.’ On criticism she does make is of the other people who are there every week and she describes them as ‘odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they stared they looked as thought they’d come from dark little rooms or even- even cupboards.’ This line has a major relevance to her repression as these people she is describing, she is one of them, yet she doesn’t realise it till the end. The realisation occurs towards the end when the heroine, the girl made an unpleasant comment about Miss Brill. Miss Brill, who is obviously listening soon comes to a realisation that not everyone is as kind as her and she is, in fact one of them old people. This ties in

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