
Miss Emily Grierson In Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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Miss Emily Grierson, the main character in the short story “A Rose For Emily” was a very peculiar woman. Often prideful and aloof towards others, Emily stands her ground as a static character in Faulkner’s work. She is withdrawn from the ever-changing world around her, living in a world of delusions and neglect. Although many pitied this fallen monument, she learned to live in isolation in her decaying home. Surrounded by lavish furnishing and the only people desperate enough for her love; a silent Negro servant, and a dead lover. It seems as if young Emily Grierson had a quintessential life. Her family, as we know consisted just of her father, was one of the wealthiest in their small town of Jefferson, Mississippi. Mr. Grierson, who was briefly mentioned before his passing, was a very prideful man with a lot of name recognition. Everyone in town knew the Grierson’s and their mysterious daughter Emily. Although Mr. Grierson had a minimal impact on the town and those who resided within its limits, he had an unimaginable impact on his daughters’ life. Behind the perfectly manicured walls of their southern home, Emily’s father had …show more content…

Her town where she was once of the highest status with the most beautiful home, was now nothing but an eyesore in the world of the new generation. She was a very stubborn woman. When her father had passed, the current mayor of the town, Colonel Sartoris, made up a story to get poor Miss Emily out of paying her taxes. And when the new generation of aldermen rode into town to collect what was theirs, Emily never budged. "I received a paper, yes," Miss Emily said. "Perhaps he considers himself the sheriff . . . I have no taxes in Jefferson." They brought forth their best men, but Emily’s condescending attitude vanquished them every time. She never would accept the advancing world around her. This reoccurring theme, refusal to move on will be the downfall of Emily

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