
Mission To Mars

Satisfactory Essays

From: Noah Williams, Kurtis Moser, James Molle-Norris, Ricardo Tovar
To: NASA mission board
Re: mission to Mars

The Composition of Mars is oxidized iron dust and the atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide and some water vapor. Days on Mars are 24 hrs 37 minutes and the years are 687 earth days. The average temperature is -81 degrees Fahrenheit. Mars has 2 moons, Phobos, and Deimos. The resources on Mars are Iron and Tridymite. Mars has a solid core and it is 0.375% of Earth’s gravity.

The atmosphere of Mars is mostly carbon dioxide and the surface of the planet is too cold to support human life, and the planet’s gravity is 38% of Earth’s. Also, the atmosphere on Mars is equal to about 1% of the Earth’s atmosphere at sea level. After Earth, Mars is the planet with the most livable climate in the solar system. So livable it may once have harbored primitive, bacteria-like life. Outflow channels and other geologic features provide ample evidence that billions of years ago water flowed on the surface of Mars. Although water may still exist deep below the surface of Mars, currently it is too cold and the atmosphere is too thin for liquid water to exist at the surface. The climate of Mars has cooled dramatically. By …show more content…

Mariner 3 and 4 were identical spacecraft designed to carry out the first flybys of Mars. Mariner 3 was launched on November 5, 1964, but the spacecraft on top its rocket failed to open the right way, and Mariner 3 did not get to Mars. Three weeks later, on November 28, 1964, Mariner 4 was launched successfully on an eight-month trip to Mars.
We think NASA should continue to study and go to Mars. This planet is livable and Mars way have water underneath its surface. From this report you should see that Mars is worth our time unlike others it may be able to terraformed. The days on Mars is close to Earth's day. Mars is 24 hours and 37 minutes and Earths is 24

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