
Missouri S & T Case Study

Decent Essays

From the information I know, Missouri S&T, through its CEC, offers a unique and exciting opportunity. The CEC size, demography, breadth and quality of its educational and research programs, expertise of its faculty and diversity of its student population are key distinguishing features. To sustain and strengthen its leadership position as one of the largest engineering and computing colleges in the country, CEC needs to continue to support its existing successful programs and enhance its teaching and research mission and activities. For instance, research has shown that students from different backgrounds resonate more with certain engineering topics when their societal or humanitarian impact is emphasized, prefer non-traditional educational …show more content…

CEC’s nine departments cover almost all key engineering fields of interest to modern society, industry, economy and national security. The integration of engineering and computing activities in one college offers tremendous opportunity for CEC to address critical challenges in areas of national and international importance, such as manufacturing and automation, 3-D printing, cybersecurity, internet of things, and large sensor networks, to name just a few. The size and breadth of CEC make it feasible to offer advanced programs in such specialized areas and position itself as one of the most innovative and leading colleges in the country. This will dramatically enhance CEC’s national reputation as a premier engineering college and advance it to the top 50 engineering programs in U.S. Moreover, CEC can leverage size and breadth of its programs to demonstrate its strong commitment to diversifying the workforce in America and increasing the number of engineers from underrepresented groups. This enables CEC to present itself as a major contributor to broadening participation in engineering and computing which has been a national challenge for many

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