
Mistakes In The Medusa And The Snail

Decent Essays

Humans’ natural tendency to execute faults are ultimately the path to their accomplishments. In The Medusa and the Snail, Lewis Thomas claims that mistakes are the highest of human endowments and in which the response to a mistake is what ultimately shapes progress. Although mistakes can be detrimental in certain circumstances, it is through these errors that humans are capable to experience that they can eventually learn and progress forward. After a mistake is made, it is possible to do better than before and achieve a higher goal, in comparison to when no error is performed. If one continues to succeed without faults, it is difficult to understand what can be done to really excel. Thomas Edison is known to be the individual in history who successfully invented the lightbulb. However, Edison did not succeed …show more content…

It is known that he had gone through the process of creating the light bulb about a thousand times. In Edison’s case, he viewed that the invention was only a goal that took 1,000 steps. He extended his knowledge on the topic of lightbulbs through his multiple attempts. If he actually did invent the lightbulb in one try, he would learn less of the techniques and continue to only retain the minimum amount of information needed. Due to a human’s natural tendency to create errors, Edison needed to continually go through the process of trial and error. However, this course of action led him to achieve the title of become the first person to successfully invent the lightbulb. On a personal level, I also encountered a situation in which my mistake allowed me to improve more in the future. A few years ago, I had participated in a dance competition with the rest of my teammates. On the day of, I failed

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