
Misunderstood In Franz Kafka's To Kill A Mo

Decent Essays

Outsiders are those who are simply just misunderstood. Often people who are misunderstood are seen differently because others just don’t understand. Like in the story “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, Gregor was misunderstood because he was morphed into a bug. The Kelevy’s in “The Doll’s House” by Katherine Mansfield were misunderstood because of their social status. Another story where someone is misunderstood is Boo Radley in “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. Gregor Samsa was misunderstood after he turned into a bug. His family had no clue how to react to him. Gregor had to get used to himself too, so his family not knowing how to act had probably affected him. “But the greatest complaint was always that they could not leave this apartment, which was too big for their present means, since it was impossible to imagine how Gregor might be moved”(Kafka, 167), shows that they just wanted to get rid of him. Gregor was just really trying to figure himself out, he really didn’t even understand himself. For example, “At this point he had nothing to do but wait, and overwhelmed with …show more content…

They weren’t as fortunate as all of the other families, but they still had their love for each other. An example of them being misunderstood is, “They walked past the Kelveys with their heads in the air, and as they set the fashion in all matters of behavior, the Kelveys were shunned by everybody”(Mansfield, 203). Everyone tried to stay away from them because of their social status. Their mother was a washerwoman who would go around to houses for work, and the father was nowhere to be found (Mansfield, 203). The Kelveys were just like any other ordinary family, although they weren’t rich they still cared for each other. When Kezia had invited them in to see the dollhouse , Else had seen the same concept with the lamp as Kezia did. They’re not so different after all, but they were still

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