
Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Decent Essays

The Five People You Meet in Heaven is a book by Mitch Albom that also had a movie made out of it. It is about Eddie who was killed while trying to save a little girl. After Eddie’s death he goes up to heaven and meets five people that had a large impact on his life. The second person that Eddie meets was his Captain when he helped with fighting the the Philippines. When meeting him Captain they look back at the time that they were taken prisoners on a small Philippine island. In both the movie and the book Eddie shows up in the middle of the war during a bombing and takes refuge by a tree where he hears someone calling his name, and also telling him to climb up the tree. Now once Eddie climbs the tree he realizes that it is his former Captain that is his second person. They start on the conversation about them being captured and becoming …show more content…

Whereas in the movie they are army crawling along and the Filipinos come along and surprise them getting the whole troop in the process. Another similarity is the way that one of Eddie’s friends Rambozo was killed. They had been being forced to work in a coal mine with others that had been captured. After several months of being there Rambozo started to get sick. With getting sick he lost a lot of his strength causing him to fall down while working. After Rambozo fell Crazy II ended up shooting him. The result of Rambozo being killed made the others want to find a way to get out. Finally they got their chance when one night Crazy III was trying to juggle. Eddie took chance of the opportunity and in the book he only juggled three stones, but in the movie we juggled four stones. After Eddie had them all mesmerized by him being able to juggle they attack the crazies. When the escaped they ended you torching the coal mine and all the huts that were there. In the process Eddie ended up getting shot in the leg. Which later we figure out that it was the Captain that had shot

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