
Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie

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ALS, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, is a disease that is also known to some people as Lou Gehrig’s disease. This disease slowly eats people up, taking away their ability to use their limbs, starting with the legs. It then moves up the body, going to their arms and then to the lungs and their head. This makes it very hard to breath and talk, and eventually kills them. In the book Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom visits an old friend who is an ALS victim, Morrie Schwartz. Every Tuesday after Albom learned that Morrie has the disease and is dying, they get back together. Morrie teaches Mitch and the rest of the world how to live life the best that they can while they are still able to. In the lessons, Morrie teaches people to live life through …show more content…

Morrie believes and teaches that people should raise a family and love them through their whole lives. Even when kids are growing up, they should still love their siblings and their parents, even if they are having a rough time with them. This is important because if someone is having troubles, they will still have people who love them be there for them to support them. One important aphorism that Morrie uses in this lesson is “The fact is, there’s no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people may stand today if it isn’t family. It’s becoming quite clear to me as I’ve become sick”(Albom 91). Once again, I agree with Morrie on this because I need family and people I can trust, rely on and love to be around me to help me when I need them to be. Morrie is in a tough time, and if someone I knew well or even myself was in a tough situation, we would all want people who love us to be around us to support and help us. I can connect to this lesson because I have a strong loving connection with my family, and when I need help with something, I am able to get help from them. For example, when I needed help with my Chemistry project, I asked my parents for help and they gave me everything they were able to give to help me get the project done well and to the best that we could get it to. I had family who loved me and helped me get my project done, and I could not have done as …show more content…

Morrie believes that money has started to corrupt human beings. It is what makes us happy and it is what the world and society revolves around. For most of us, Morrie thinks it drives us in life; it is what we hope to achieve, to get more money. One good aphorism Morrie gives in the lessons is “we put our values in the wrong things, and it leads to very disillusioned lives”(Albom 124). I agree with what more has to say on this because what he says it true; everyone wants more money. They may want this money to buy more stuff, to buy the newest stuff, to outdo someone, just to say that they have something, etc. People buy all of this stuff to make them seem happy, even though they may have what they need to make them happy already. I can connect to this because I am guilty of this thing that we all do as well. When the new Xbox 1 came out, a bunch of my friends got it and were playing together, so I wanted to have it as well. I already had the Xbox 360 and that was good enough for me and was enough to make me happy, but I wanted more and wanted to be happy with the new stuff I got. I wanted more than what I needed, which means that I spent too much and went against Morrie’s lesson on

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