
How Did Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie Impact Me

Satisfactory Essays

I have read many books in my lifetime. From picture books to books that have 60 chapters. I have read a couple series. But no book or series has had an impact on me like Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays With Morrie. The way Morrie saw life really had an effect on me. I have never met or heard of anyone who had the views on life like Morrie. Morrie was always happy to be alive even when his disease started to take over. He always found something to be positive about. My grandma ,in a way, is like Morrie because she was loving to everyone. She can bring the best out of anyone and loves to see people happy. Evan has her health depreciates, like Morrie’s, she still tries to make people feel good. So the reason Albom’s Tuesdays With Morrie impacted me was

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