
Mla Format - Abortion

Decent Essays

Jean Lin
Ms. Kasababian
Language Arts Honors
30 November 2012

In 2008, twelve women taking resident in the U.S. died due to legal abortions performed during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion should be available to all females living in the United States, but must be a legal citizen to have late abortions, which are during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion is a right that women have, and the Fourth Amendment “Search and Seizure” supports it. Fewer women will exercise abortion if it is kept legal in the U.S. Late abortions are dangerous, so only legal citizens of the U.S. may have second or third trimester abortions. In the 1820’s, various ideas against abortions began …show more content…

Many CPCs (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) mislead women into thinking that abortions cause breast cancer, that birth-control pills cause abortions, and that abortion can lead to sterility. CPCs do anything to talk a woman out of having a legal abortion. Late abortions are performed during the second or third trimesters. A method of late abortion is a saline injection. This is when a needle is inserted into the uterus through the

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