
Mmr Vaccination Advantages And Disadvantages

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The Advantages of the MMR Vaccinations
Kaylin Conkin
Sociology 2010
Northeast State Community College

In the past couple of years there has been an epidemic and discussion on the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccinations (MMR). In these discussions there have been false information given to the general public to spread fear of mental disorders. The fear of having a mental disorder has caused younger generations of parents not to vaccinate and has caused the United States to have an outbreak of measles. For example the numbers in January 2015 alone are higher than many annual totals for the years since 2000. People do not realize that the vaccinations are for them and not against them. The measles, mumps, and rubella are three …show more content…

The majority of people in the United States who are not vaccinated will be infected. Once the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella reach an unvaccinated community it will spread quickly. (Measles Cases and Outbreaks. (2015, February 23). Retrieved April 7, 2015.) When you are only given one series of the MMR vaccinations and you do not take the second series you are still at risk for becoming infected. Every state in the United States requires the MMR vaccinations along with others. (Buck, G., & Gatehouse, J. (2015). THE REAL VACCINE SCANDAL. 128(7), 28-28. Retrieved April 7, 2015.) However you are given the option to opt out for medical, religious, or for “personal beliefs.” (Buck, G., & Gatehouse, J. (2015). THE REAL VACCINE SCANDAL. 128(7), 28-28. Retrieved April 7, 2015.) The main reason the second series of shots is administered is so the immune system will have a higher chance of fighting against the MMR. (Look at Each Vaccine: MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) Vaccine. (2013, April 1). Retrieved April 8, 2015.) The mumps vaccine is also made up of the live virus. The natural virus of the mumps reproduces in the body thousands of times when infected. When you are given the MMR vaccinations, the body only reproduces twenty times, it reproduces itself very little to build up immunity for a lifetime. (Look at Each Vaccine: MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) Vaccine. (2013, April 1). …show more content…

Almost ten years ago a child receiving the MMR vaccinations was on the rise. Not only were the MMR vaccinations on the rise, doctors were diagnosing more and more children with autism. The main concern was the preservative called mercury that is in the vaccines. ( Beyond the Autism/Vaccine Hypothesis: What Parents Need to know about Autism Research. (2015, January 1). Retrieved April 8, 2015.) The Autism Science Foundation has done multiple studies on children who have received all of the MMR vaccinations at once and they have studied children who have received the vaccinations at different times. Studies show that there is no clear evidence that the brain or body responds differently when a child receives the vaccinations at any given point or time. People of higher authority have tried to educate the general public by giving false and misleading statements about the MMR vaccinations Senator Rand Paul, in two separate interviews stated that “many children have developed profound mental disorders” after the MMR vaccinations. (Paul Repeats Baseless Vaccine Claims. (2015, February 3). Retrieved April 9, 2015.) There is no link between autism and the vaccinations according to studies. (Beyond the Autism/Vaccine Hypothesis: What Parents Need to Know about Autism Research. (2015, January 1). Retrieved April 8,

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