
Modern Dance Is Never Static Essay

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Dance is never static.
Even if it has specific sub-genres with set guidelines and expected characteristics like other forms of visual and performing arts, dancers have the will to choose not follow them as often and as strictly if they please. They’re allowed the freedom of expression as well as the freedom to even create new forms of dance.
In fact, this freedom to create is why modern dance came to be. It decided to stem off of classical ballet then completely break off from its roots and become its own sub-genre over the course of decades. Modern has many similarities to ballet, such as how turns are conducted or how arm strength is utilized, but they are considered to be enemies by dancers.
I would like to explain more about how these two opponents (modern and ballet) are rather more like sisters, as well as how modern dance has evolved in the past century and how this change threatens traditional modern form. I will go into the origins of modern dance and what cultural phenomenons it is derived from. Furthermore, I would like to debunk its stereotypes and clarify just what modern dance is.
Modern dance’s enemy ballet establishes visual and physical restrictions on day one of class. Dancers have specific positions of the feet, arms, and hands to follow and hold. They must have pointed feet when turning or on relevé (pushing your weight onto the balls of your feet to lift yourself), have his or her thumb placed against your palm for the sake of pretty lines (aesthetic is

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