
Modern Poetry

Decent Essays

A word that can be heard in every day conversation is the word “modern”. Everything has to be modern in the 21st century: modern technology and books and clothes, nobody wants the old stuff anymore because it is not worth as much as what is around now. Modern poetry is: “For artists and writers, the Modernist project was a re-evaluation of the assumptions and aesthetic values of their predecessors” ( Even poetry that has been around for centuries has a new twist and can be considered modern now. Everyone seems to want to move on and up in the world and to have the best, most influential things in their life for their future. Modern poetry really puts a spin on what has …show more content…

Owen does a fantastic job of using imagism in his poem. Imagism is defined as: “An early 20th-century poetic movement that relied on the resonance of concrete images drawn in precise, colloquial language rather than traditional poetic diction and meter” ( One strong example of imagism for the reader is when Owen says, “What candles may be held to speed them all?/ Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes/ Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes (Lines 9-11). As a reader, this scene can be pictured as a funeral where the coffin is on the front table and everyone is walking around hugging one another and saying their goodbye to their loved ones. The room can be pictured to be dim, lit by candles and soft music emanates throughout the room. He does such a great job at painting a solemn picture, one that any reader can relate to because everyone has had to deal with some sort of death throughout their lifetime. Another image mentioned earlier is when Owen compares soldiers to cattle. There are so many soldiers in the trenches that are banded together just like cattle who are massacred carelessly. The imagism is so heartbreaking and powerful throughout the short, 14 line poem.
The last element that Owen really brings home is the use of disillusionment. Disillusionment is defined as: “to free from or deprive of illusion, belief, idealism, etc.; disenchant”

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