
Modern Racism

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The world has lived through generations of racism and racial profiling. After the days of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Civil Rights Movement, the American people thought they had passed the days of hatred and discrimination. Although Americans think that they live in a non-racist society, minorities today still live in the chains of oppression and prejudice through sports, schools, and social media.
Jackie Robinson was a prominent figure in American history as he broke the color line, and was the first black athlete to play in a white league. Americans believed this would stop racism in the future and integrate all sports, but racism has planted its roots in sports ever since 1947. The NBA is a professional basketball league and …show more content…

These issue are perfect example of the inequality of races in schools today. “Data from 72,000 American public schools in the 2009-10 school year, show that while African-Americans make up 18 percent of the students, they account for 46 percent of students suspended more than once, 39 percent of students expelled, and 36 percent of students arrested on campus. On the other hand, white students, represent 29 percent of multiple suspensions and 33 percent of expulsions (Khadaroo). In 2012, a math problem published by a teachers at Beaver Ridge Elementary School in Norcross, Georgia, was sent home that stated, "Each tree had 56 oranges," the first question starts. "If 8 slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?" Many parents took action of this and reported the teacher for racism, which resulted in the teacher being fired from her job” (Hibbard). These issues cause students to struggle in school and affect their future.
The internet has proven to be reliable throughout the years and since the internet has propagated rapidly, social media has progressed too.These applications helps contact friends, family, and even strangers. Today many people are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter and so on to publish racial slurs and express racist opinion of American citizens. According to

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