
Modernism Is a Prodigious Movement

Decent Essays

Modernism was a prodigious movement in England and America during the period between 1860 to the 1970s. It was developed as a literary stance that responded to Victorian aesthetic moral precepts and literary techniques. It permeated many disciplines, from which included literature and philosophy. The concept of Modernism is widely expressed throughout poetry literature. Wystan Hugh Auden and William Carlos Williams, were from the first few who endorsed modernist views through their written work. Auden’s poem, “Stop all The Clocks,” publicly declared his homosexuality which, at that time was extremely subversive and prohibited. Likewise, In “This is Just to Say,” Carlos Williams breaks away from the standardised complexity of traditional poetry and expresses his sentiment through utter simplicity that mayn’t have appeared to be of any value. In consequence, both poems are able convey modernist concepts through which render detached views from the society’s norm in the early 20th century.

The opening of a new decade in the 20th century, had brought on a new era of vista of human prospects. It put into question previously accepted means in consequence of evaluating and assessing the worth of new ideas. It was a new approach to society's standardised conceptions, and was marked by experimentation and manipulation through the apprehension that knowledge is not absolute. “Modernism released us from the constraints of everything that had gone before with a euphoric sense of

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