
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Decent Essays

The Importance of Mohandas Gandhi was written by Mary and Mike Furbee. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in the town of Porbandar located in western India. He grew up in a very religious and affluent family, which made his social and economic life a bit easier. Instead of growing up and achieving through his families money, Gandhi wanted to earn his own name. He was married at the age of thirteen to Kasturibai and also continued his studies. After High School, he went to University College of London for law school. When he came back to India, he got an offer to work in South Africa in the colony of Natal as a low level lawyer. There he saw that Indians had very less rights and were targets of racial discrimination. He then made a Natal Indian Congress to fight for the rights of Indians. When most problems were solved in South Africa, Gandhi went back to India and also noticed the same mistreatment given to Indians there. He then decided to make India independent, not by force, but by peace. Gandhi was quite lucky during his time to attend law school abroad in London. Some children did not even get a chance to go to school in villages. He faced challenges during his childhood, such as managing a marriage at the age of education. He even dealt with loss of children. However, Gandhi did not give up, but instead he work hard to get good education. When he went to South Africa, Gandhi noticed discrimination against Indians, and he protested against it. Despite continuous

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