
Mom Research Papers

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Being a Mom means that you are the bearer of multiple job titles and wear many hats throughout the day, after all they say a Mom is the glue that holds the family together. Clearly the urban dictionary got it right when they defined Mom as:
The woman who loves you unconditionally from birth, the one who puts her kids before herself and the one who you can always count on above everyone else.
Being a Mom is a tough job; not only due to holding many job titles but also because of the emotional rollercoaster ride a Mom endures while raising her offspring. It seems we all knew our Mom to hold many job titles, but what are those titles exactly?
1. Food Tester – Mom will take the risk of food poisoning for you.
2. Hairstylist – Mom will deal with …show more content…

CEO of Household – need we say more?!
4. Taxi Driver – Mom holds the record for most taxi rides given with least amount of tips.
5. Potty Trainer – Mom is the master at getting kids to use that little toilet.
6. Anger Management Pro – Mom has a knack to cool anger and build patience.
7. Head Cheerleader – Mom cheers you on when no one else will.
8. Personal Chef – Mom makes the best meals and snacks on a whim.
9. Keeper of Secrets – Mom will forever hold your secrets close.
10. Referee – When it comes to siblings, Mom will have all your backs and diffuse the situation.
11. Doctor & Nurse – Mom is the master at using the first aid cabinet.
12. Master of Boo-Boo Kisses – Nothing helps heal a boo-boo more than Mom’s kiss.
13. Financial Director – Bills will get paid when Mom is in charge of the bank account.
14. Consequence Giver- Mom is the Queen of fair consequences that fit the crime.
15. Event Planner – Birthday parties, family gatherings, pfft – let Mom handle it all.
16. Teacher – Mom is the first and last teacher in a child’s life.
17. Story Teller – Mom is happy to read a story using dramatics just to get a smile out of her kids.
18. Sleep Monitor – Trying to get out of bed after being tucked in? Mom will just know. Every

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