
Mona Lisa Research Paper

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Famous Renaissance Artist Leonardo da Vinci created Mona Lisa with her mysterious smile .Donatello created amazing sculptures which he used math to do so. Michelangelo created the iconic Sistine chapel ceiling. Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello and Michelangelo the most influential artist of the renaissance era. Leonardo da Vinci a painter, architect, inventor who loved science and lived from 1452 -1519. He appreciated with Andrea Del Verrocchio. Today he is best known for Mona Lisa and the last super paintings that remains among the worlds most famous and admired. The last super was painted from about 1495-1498 during his time in Milan. It was mural on plaster painted with tempera and other oil .it was made for the cities monastery and …show more content…

He also created Mona Lisa also known as la Gioco a 12 inches by 31inches painting today known as the women known because of mysterious slight smile that has been the subject of speculation for decades .in the early 1490s Da Vinci began filling secret notebooks about mechanics, human anatomy, inventions and theories .the notebooks having been scattered after his death, are housed today in museum collections. He died in 1519 at the age of 67 and was buried nearby church of saint –Florentine. Born in Florence Italy sculptor Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi, Donatello, apprenticed with early well known sculptures such as Lorenzo Ghibert. He quickly adopted a gothic style, it incorporated science of perspective which allowed the sculptor to create figures that occupied measurable space. Before this time European sculptors used a flat background upon which figures were placed .Donatello made a sculpture of David that was life-sized and was made of marble. In 1430 he was commissioned to do another statue in bronze of David again. He also compiled a statue of Mary Magdalene called Magdalene he completed Gatamelata showing a general riding a horse in battle dressed with a helmet in 1450 .he died in Florence Italy of unknown cusses on December 13 1466. He was buried next to his good friend

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