
Monitoring Internet Privacy

Satisfactory Essays

"While everyone might think that clearing search history, deleting a picture or tweet might make it disappear forever, it is not true. If the government wanted to they could monitor your internet use. While this could be helpful it is also harmful. I do not think the government should be able to monitor your internet use, unless they have a reason to. While monitoring internet content does not violate any of the amendment it is an invasion of privacy. Most young adults and teens only use the internet as means of communicating. It does not harm anyone in any way. While most people are using internet for good, some people may not be. There are many cases of cyber bullying that could be going on, and adults may not know. Since cyber bullying is becoming a bigger issue as technology advances, and certain apps come out that could be used for bullying it could be helpful to be able to monitor internet use. So as for local government it makes sense that they could monitor internet content if a problem is brought to their attention. As for federal and state goverment, they do not need to monitor your internet use unless they have a reason to. Such as terorist websites or threatening emails that …show more content…

If a certain problem is brought to their attention they might. One instent where being able to monitor internet content is good happened at our school a couple years ago. A girl sent an innapropriate picture and said picture got around. Instead of not knowing who to punish, the police were able to check everyone’s phones to see who sent the picture out. This helped to find whoever sent the pictures even if the message where it was sent was deleted. Another instent was when someone who was using the schools WiFi because they lived close enough was caught looking up innapropriate videos of young children. The man was caught an sent to

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