
Monkey Paw Quiz

Decent Essays

The Monkey’s Paw Quiz Name: Mirella Montejano Score: __/25 A. Summary Instructions: Complete the summary of the story below by filling in the missing works. (10) The White family—mother, father, and son Herbert—are spending a cozy evening at (1)____________ when the father's friend Sergeant Major Morris drops by for a visit. In the course of telling stories about his travels to (2) ____________, Morris reveals that he has a magical (3) ____________that will give its holder three wishes. The Whites beg to use it; Morris warns them against its (4) ____________powers but then agrees to leave it with them. Mr. White makes a wish for (5) ____________, and nothing happens. But later the next day, the parents receive …show more content…

b. to be buried alongside her son. c. for Herbert to be alive again. d. for two hundred more wishes. Conclusions 9. The passage below suggests that (1) a. the son cheated in order to win the chess match. b. all the members of the White family hate where they live. c. Mr. White became irritable when he lost the chess match. d. Mr. White is a young man. "Checkmate:' replied the son. "That's the worst thing about living so far out of town:' exclaimed Mr. White, with sudden and unexpected bad temper. "Of all the beastly, slushy, out-of-the-way places to live in, this is the worst. The pathway is a bog, and the road's a river... I suppose because only two houses on the road have anyone in them, they think it doesn't matter?' "Never mind, dear' said his wife soothingly; "perhaps you'll win the next One?' Mr. White looked up sharply, just in time to catch an amused glance between mother and son. The words died away on his lips, and he hid a guilty grin in his thin gray beard. 10. How does Mr. White's final wish fulfill the curse that the old priest put on the monkey’s paw? (1) C. Short answer (Choose only ONE) (5 points) 1. What is your opinion of Mr. White's final wish? Why do you think he does what he does? Would you have done the same? Explain. 2. If you had the chance to make three wishes using the monkey's paw, would you? Why or why not? 3. Based on what you learn of him

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