
Monster Hollow Short Story

Decent Essays

Monster Beneath the Tile Shoes, shoes, shoes. All day every day. New shoes. Old shoes. Sneakers, boots, sandals, flip flops. Running over top of me. Children. Crying, screaming, smiling, frowning. Bouncing balls on me. Falling on me. Throwing backpacks on me. Dropping pencils on me. Spilling food on me. This is the story of my life, but after hours and on weekends, I pop off a few tiles from my mask and the real hallway emerges. I slink around on top of my mask cleaning off the food and garbage. I raid the garbage cans and kitchen every night. But the one fateful day, in my excitement for food, I came out too early and ran headlong into a janitor. She screamed and called the police. I am very slow and was very close to making

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