
Mood In Edgar Allen Poe's Annabel Lee

Satisfactory Essays

In Edgar Allen Poe’s “Annabel Lee” there are several mood’s. The author’s choice of words makes the overall mood of the poem sad and depressing because of the way it’s written, but at the beginning of the poem he makes it sound happy talking about his beautiful wife.

Edgar Allen Poe’s word choice at the beginning and at the end are very different. In the beginning, it is happy he talks a bunch about his beautiful bride Annabel Lee. He talks about how much they are in love. In stanza 2 he talks even more about how much they are in love even though they are so young.

Another mood in this story is sad, because at the end of the story Annabel Lee died. It made the mood of the story much sadder. In stanza six it talks about how he lies by her

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