
Moral Ambiguity In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Although Frankenstein was castigated by critics when it was first published, it set the precedent for many gothic novels afterwards. Most characters in novels can be easily identified as either good or bad, but in Frankenstein the personalities of Victor and his creature are ethically equivocal. Their good deeds and bad strike an unsettling balance, causing the reader to be perplexed about who to support. However, this vagueness is what makes the novel distinctive; at the end, the reader is left with conflicted feelings and the need to blame someone, but not knowing who. Moral ambiguity is vital to the work as a whole because it sanctions the reader to see everything in an unbiased perspective, acquire more from the central themes, and …show more content…

To some, his exploits might be rendered to be immoralities because of the varying ways people interpret things. For example, while he is constructing his creation he says, “…many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. (Page 48.)” This could be deciphered two ways; one that paints him as a hero with untainted objectives, and one that captures him as someone who is arrogant and thinks he is entitled to go beyond the customary limits of what is traditionally mortal. On one hand, he plainly states that he wants to create humans that are better for the overall benefit and happiness of mankind. But on the other hand, he sounds brash in the sense that he wants people to be indebted to him for creating them this way. True good intentions don’t have visible rewards, but there is no absolute way to find them. That is what makes this novel so unique, it leaves some of the most important decisions to the reader. A few people may see Victor of the creator of problems as he could have just contained his interest and redirected his passions. He also could have guided the creature through life, so he wouldn’t feel as wretched or abandoned. The creature might also be at fault, for keeping such a deep hatred in his heart for Victor, and could have pursued other paths in life to find another purpose. The deliberation about their conduct can seemingly go on

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