
Moral Development in the Adventures of Huckleberry Fin by Mark Twain

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Throughout the classic novel of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain we see a lot of moral development with the main character Huckleberry Finn. Throughout the story Huck’s friendships greatly influence his moral identity. Throughout the series of events that unfold upon our main character, Huck Finn, we see huge moral leaps in the way he thinks that are influenced by that friendships he makes on his journey. He starts the book as a young minded individual with no sense morals other than what has been impressed onto him and ends up as a self empowering individual. Through the friendships he makes with Tom Sawyer, Jim, and the Duke and King we see big moral leaps with Huck.

In the beginning of the book Huck carelessly …show more content…

This can be clearly shown when Jim gets bit by a snake after Huck makes the mistake of not getting a rid the one that he killed. “Then I slid out quiet and throwed the snakes clear away amongst the bushes; for I warn’t going to let Jim find out it was all my fault, not if I could help it” (40). When he says this he is beginning to it sort out in his head that it was his fault that Jim had gotten bitten by the snake and that he feels bad about it. Although he feels bad about it at the same time he is also doing it so that Jim doesn’t get mad or upset with him. This shows an improvement in his sense of morality for Huck while he is with Jim. When with Jim he starts to see that he isn't that different from him and that he should be nicer to Jim. Another good example of this is when Huck learns that people are heading over to the island to search for him and Jim and he took the chance to go back and get Jim when he knew people were on their way. He easily could have just left but after spending time with Jim and seeing him as a friend he goes back to get him. “Git up and hump yourself, Jim! There ain’t a moment to lose. They’re after us!” (47) This shows a big moral leap with Huck as he could have left Jim to fend for himself when he had his own boat and could easily have fled and escaped. As a friend of JIm you see him feel for someone who isn't the same race which is unheard of and looked down upon at this time. This varies vary much from earlier

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