
Moral Decisions Faced by Huckleberry Finn

Decent Essays

Moral Decisions Faced by Huckleberry Finn (#5) Mark Twain's novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, encompasses a wide variety of moral implications faced by the main character, Huckleberry Finn. In the beginning, Huck was forced to decide what to do regarding his father. He could continue to subside to his father's actions, which would result in more abuse, or he could run away to escape the trauma he faced at home. Huck chose the latter, and embarked on a journey down the Mississippi River with Jim, the escaped slave. Throughout his journey, Huck would face many more difficult moral decisions. From realizing he was inadvertently helping Jim escape slavery, to ruining the Duke and King's plan, young Huckleberry Finn was forced to …show more content…

Huck began to care about the family unlike the Duke and King, and he knew that the right thing to do would be to save them of this robbery. He risked being caught by the scammers in order to help out people that he had barely even met, all as a result of his moral compass telling him that it was ultimately the right thing to do. Huckleberry Finn made the staple moral decision of the novel regarding his traveling companion Jim. As described earlier, Huck grew up in a time of prevalent racism. He realized as he was taking part in this journey with Jim that he was actually helping him to escape from slavery, and become a free man. Everyone from his hometown would forever look down upon him for carrying out such an action, for Miss Watson never did anything to deserve her slave to be stolen. Huck knew this was the case, and was truly stuck at a crossroads. He could presumably go to Hell for assisting in such a sin, or stop the adventure and return Jim to his state of slavery. Initially, he wrote a note to Miss Watson describing to her the current situation, would have sent it to her, which would have resulted in Jim becoming captured and sent back up to his previous owner. However, Huck began to think about how important he had become to Jim, and really how much Jim meant to him. “But somehow I couldn’t seem to strike no places to harden me against him, but only the other kind…and said I was the best friend old Jim ever had in the

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