
Examples Of Morally Ambiguous Characters In Frankenstein

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Various novels contain an abundance of characters, with characteristics that assist in advancing the plot and deepening the story’s meaning. However, those characters are not only one sided, but have multiple colours to them because they would be nothing, but disposable, plain characters if they are not given a lot of depth. Morally ambiguous characters, a character who is neither purely evil nor purely good, adds more dynamic to the novel by introducing morally questionable ideas, more perspective, and unpredictable situations in the plot . A well known example would be Hamlet by Shakespeare, where Hamlet defends his mother and avenges his father by murdering countless people in his way, however, he portrays his conflicting emotions when killing …show more content…

Many of Victor’s actions are questionable, however, that is not to say that all of his actions are inhumane. He shows genuine care for his loved ones, yet few of his actions are inexcusable. As stated, previously he expresses revulsion for the creature by, “Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, rushed out of the room…”(Shelley.61). Frankenstein leaves the monster to fend for itself. This action is morally wrong because Frankenstein represents its “parent” and the creature is his “child”. He neglects his own creation and does not take responsibility for it because it is a “mistake”. He does not want to risk his time and reputation for taking care of his own creation. Not only is this immoral, but it is also irresponsible because he avoids it, allowing it to roam without any supervision, and he does not expect any unforeseen consequences that will affect the people around him. Conversely, he portrays his humanity by professing his love for Elizabeth saying, “... yet all that I may one day enjoy is centred in you.”(Shelley.163). People react differently to various things with distaste, however, most have humanity within them, expressing affection to one person or object. These contrasting emotions within Victor, represent his conflicting attributes that integrate with each other. His genuine affection for Elizabeth indicates the goodness exists inside of him and that he not only holds repulsive reactions, representing his moral ambiguity. These actions make it hard to be decisive about Victor’s character because he is very unpredictable. Frankenstein’s actions speak more than words, indicating his moral ambiguity in the

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