
Mos Def: A Poet, Lyricist, and Actor Essay

Decent Essays

Our group chose the man known by many in the hip-hop world as Mos Def. He is known for being a superb lyricist, poet, and actor. We are doing two of his works named “Hip-Hop” from off his album Black on Both Sides and a poem he wrote regards to the Barclays Center named “On center.stadium.status”. Before I talk about these two works of art, let me give a brief background on Mos Def.
Mos Def parents named him Dante Terrell Smith on the 11th of December in 1973. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Mos def is one of 12 siblings which included step-siblings. Mos Def and several of his siblings lived with his mother in Brooklyn. The rest went on to live with their father in New Jersey. He grew up in New York City when crack became …show more content…

“Initially regarded as one of the most promising rappers to emerge in the late '90s, Mos Def turned to acting in subsequent years as music became a secondary concern for him. He did release new music from time to time, including albums such as The New Danger (2004), but his output was erratic and seemingly governed by whim. Mos Def nonetheless continued to draw attention, especially from critics and underground rap fans, and his classic breakthrough albums -- Black Star (1998), a collaboration with Talib Kweli and Hi-Tek; and Black on Both Sides (1999), his solo debut -- continued to be revered, all the more so as time marched forward. Mos Def often used his renown for political purposes, protesting in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the Jena Six incident in 2007, for instance.” (About Mos Def, MTV Artist).
Even though he had enormous success with Black on Both Sides, he returned to his acting career from 2000-04. During this time period he appeared in several movies such as Bamboozled (2000), Carmen: A Hip Hopera (2001), Monster's Ball (2001), Showtime (2002) and The Italian Job (2003).
In 2004 he would return to the studio and release his second album, The New Danger. In 2009 he dropped his fourth and most recent album, The Ecstatic, which was nominated for Best Rap Album at the 2010 Grammy Awards. With that in mind now let us discuss his work we chose.
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