
Mosaic Turner Syndrome Research Paper

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Ever since I was a little girl, I have always wondered why God chose to give me the diseases I have. Did I do something wrong? Did my parents do something wrong? I felt as though God had turned on me and deserted me, and no matter how many times my mom told me that God has a plan for everyone, it never really made sense. I still constantly wondered if maybe God was mad at me or was maybe punishing me for something out of my control. It was not until I met Anyaa that I realized that God did not give me a challenge by giving me these permanent diseases, but he really granted me a gift. Right after my first birthday, when I was about thirteen months old, I was diagnosed with Mosaic Turner Syndrome. Turner Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder in which a female is born with only one X chromosome. Some effects of Turner Syndrome include short stature, infertility, delayed puberty, heart defects, and certain learning disabilities. At six months of age, I still couldn’t rollover from my back to my stomach and vice versa. At nine months of age, I was unable to grab a handful of cheerios by myself and put them in my mouth. I had incessant drooling and my tongue would always hang out of my mouth. I had poor muscular tone throughout my body. I constantly struggled with eating solid foods, and every time I …show more content…

Anyaa and I dance at the same dance studio. She was diagnosed with Mosaic Turner Syndrome just two years after I had met her. Having to deal with the constant doctors appointments, nightly growth hormone injections and many other things, I knew immediately that I was going to be a mentor to her and be someone who understood what it's like to live with Turner Syndrome. I learned that I could overcome any obstacle and that I am strong enough to conquer anything I put my mind to. Despite the odds, I am a competitive dancer, I do very well in school, and I am the healthiest I have ever

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