
MosesReaction With God According To The Crucifixion Of Moses And The Death Of Jesus?

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A Jewish interpretation would focus heavily on theme and see Moses’ interaction with God as a guideline for how all Jews should interact with God. This pericope is about a call to action. Many people believe they have some purpose or calling in life, and Jews believe that their calling is revealed to them by God. Moses demonstrates that when God calls someone to action, it should not be considered optional. This pericope also defines the relationship that God has with His chosen people. God is portrayed as a parent; God wants to ensure the honor and well-being of the Israelites, and just as God was relentless with Moses, God will prove to be equally relentless with the Egyptians. Although God wants His people to serve Him and follow His word, He does not consider humans to be His slaves. God genuinely cares for His people, and He does not want them to suffer endlessly. Even though the story of Moses and the burning bush is traditionally considered a Jewish story, a Christian would notice many similarities between this story and the death of Jesus. Moses was called to action because the Israelites were enslaved. This led to the exodus and eventually the covenant on Mount Sinai. The crucifixion of Jesus is analogous to the Israelite slavery, Jesus’ resurrection is analogous to the exodus, and the events of Pentecost are analogous to the covenant. In addition, the Israelite slavery and the death of Jesus are both related to sin. On various occasions God allows the Israelites

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