
Most Dangerous Game Outline

Decent Essays

Simile: A figure of speech that makes a comparison between two things, using like or as.

Example: “An apprehensive night crawled slowly by like a wounded snake, and sleep did not visit Rainsford, although the silence of a dead world was on the jungle.”
-The Most Dangerous Game, page 32

Context-Rainsford is hiding from General Zaroff in the forest of Ship-Trap Island. After running around in the forest and trying to make an untraceable trail, Rainsford finally rests high up in a tree.He tells himself that Zaroff will never find him, but in the back of his mind he worries about being found and killed. This makes Rainsford to feel like the night was going by very slowly and this worry kept Rainsford up for a long time. The stress from the Most Dangerous Game is getting to Rainsford’s head. …show more content…

The night is described as “apprehensive”, which means fearful of something bad happening. The night is further compared to a wounded snake, because like any wounded animal, it would move very slowly and painfully. The author is describing the night like this, to compare it to how Rainsford is feeling while he is hiding in the forest. Rainsford is very apprehensive himself, because he fears Zaroff will find him and kill him. “Even so zealous a hunter as General Zaroff could not trace him there, he told himself; only the devil himself could follow that complicated trail through the jungle after dark. But, perhaps the general was a devil ”(pg.32). The night and a wounded snake are compared by using a simile, because a wounded snake moves slow and the night is moving slow for Rainsford. Rainsford feels like the night is so long, because he cannot fall asleep and all he can do is worry about his life. This quote is an example of simile, because it is comparing the night to a snake, which gives the reader a better understanding of what the author is trying to get

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