
Mother Tongue : Critical Analysis

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English is a just a language not a measure of intelligence. This statement is easy to comprehend but hard to practice. A majority of people are tempted to believe that English is a measure of intelligence and, in particular, an individual's ability to exercise brain power. As a matter of fact, the best that English – as a language – can be used to measure is relevant grammatical knowledge and skill level but not intelligence. According to Ghirlanda et al. (2014), intelligence refers to an individual's ability to not only grasp concepts but also build ideas on them. Knowledge, on the other hand, refers to the facts, information, and skills acquired by an individual through information (Polanyi, 2015). This proves (beyond the reasonable …show more content…

As pointed out earlier, there is a major difference between an individual's ability to exercise their brain power and their level of skills or knowledge. A high level of skill or knowledge does not necessarily imply that an individual has a high ability to exercise their brain power. It just implies that they are nerds in as far as the particular skill is concerned.
By extension, some societies associate English comprehension with affluence (Barreto, 2006). If one uses good English in some societies, members are tempted to think that they are from an affluent family or they went to a good school and received good education. While the latter could be true to a considerable extent, the former is not. It is a common instinct particularly if one pronounces all words correctly and speaks fluently. From a critical point of view, fluency could be associated with affluence particularly for ESLs. The majority of those who can read and write good English in a society of ESLs belong to wealthy families that can afford good education for their children (Hill & Parry, 2014). This is especially so in developing and third world countries where governments are not in a position to provide good education for everyone. The fact, however, remains that associating English fluency with affluence is wrong.
As pointed out earlier, the fact that English is highly overrated does not, however, undermine its significance. It is one of the most celebrated languages and it is

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