
Motivation Of Motivation In Beowulf

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“Behind every action is a reasoning”, (Finlay). In one instance the motivations of a few bold actions are quite clear. When referring to the hero Beowulf from the epic poem Beowulf it is easy to see his drive to fight several monsters time and again. In Beowulf’s day glory was the main focus of men. If glory was not achieved then a life had been wasted. Also, in that time the need to become a hero was great indeed, and Beowulf himself found this need to be overbearing. The final, and most significant motivation that Beowulf experiences, is duty. He feels a duty to his people, and it drives him to risk his life to prove himself to them. In the epic poem of Beowulf it is clear that Beowulf has three main motivations throughout his adventures. In the time of the great hero Beowulf, every man desired to earn his glory and always be remembered. At the beginning of Beowulf’s epic it is said that a palace, and its king, has been terrorized by a certain beast that could not be killed, Grendal. Beowulf’s hunger for glory leads him to this far away land to attempt to kill the monster that has took so many lives. “He resolves to crush the fell monster and relieve the aged king”, (pg. 8, line 15). With that, the young warrior treks into the unknown seeking to fulfill his destiny. If Beowulf had been raised in a different time where glory was not a necessity he would have heard the story of Grendel, and ignored it. Luckily for the terrorized king, Beowulf was raised to believe that

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