
Movie Analysis: Dave

Decent Essays

Dave is a young child in the 1970s. He is at home and gets abused by his mother. His father tries to stop his mom from abusing him but he makes it worst and his mother ends up abusing him even more. Dave is only about in the 3rd or 4th grade. He has scars on his body and the teachers start to notice him. Throughout Dave's childhood whenever he did something wrong or he didn’t do his chores the way his mom wanted him to he ended up getting a severe punishment. Some of those punishments were harsh and something no child should ever have to go through. The punishments consisted of not having any food, the gas chamber, sleeping in the garage and underneath the kitchen table, as well as having his head under water, and finally having to sit outside in drenching heat for hours. These were all bad because he had to go days without food and you can only survive for so long without food. His mom liked the …show more content…

She thought they were all great and that Dave deserved these punishments. She didn’t like Dave in fact she hated Dave. She wanted him dead pretty much and she really didn’t want anything to do with him. I think that she has all of these feelings about him because in her eyes he’s not the perfect little angel child that she wanted. I also think that she was jealous of Dave because maybe her childhood wasn’t so great and she wanted to make one of her own kids lives miserable like hers was. Another reason she could hate Dave so much is because she only had boys not girls. Although this book is sad, Dave learned what it's like to have a hard upbringing childhood. His experiences with child abuse can teach us that if you end up being abused as a child you can change your life and make it a positive thing when you become an adult. The subject of child abuse is hard to talk about and deal with but if you don’t educate yourself on it you might think whatever it's not important or that it's ok but in all reality it's not and it's

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