
Movie, Blade Runner, The City And People Are Very Similar Essay

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In the movie, Blade Runner, the city and people are very similar. They are both very different and mysterious. The characters are not very well explained at first so give that mystery feel to them. The city is very dark and different that other normal cities which make the city also look mysterious. The director did this to add depth to the film and have the unknown so you can interpret your own ideas into the movie. The city and the people are all characters in a film. They are the parts of the film that tell the story. The characters all play important roles. Without all of them the movie would not be the same. It could have the same storyline but with different people and a different city it becomes a new film. The city helps show the hidden meanings in movies that the characters don 't say. If they did say these things the city showed it would be a long boring movie. In books these meanings are normally written but because there are no words in movies normally, the director must show these thoughts. He will normally show this through the weather of the city or just they way the city is acting. The city may be a busy city with cars running around everywhere or really quiet with no one on the streets. The movie’s characters and cities are both needed to create a scene that has depth and is interesting. If neither of these are visible then the film could not have been written very well. Both the city and people should be similar to have the film make sense.

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