
Movie Reaction Paper: And the Band Played On

Decent Essays

Movie Reaction Paper: And the Band Played On

"This is not a political issue. This is a health issue. This is not a gay issue. This is a human issue. And I do not intend to be defeated by it. I came here today in the hope that my epitaph would not read that I died of red tape."

This striking line said by a character in the movie "And the Band Played On", which I later found out to be the actual words of Roger Gail Lyon in Congress1, depicts how a society so caught up with discrimination and stereotypes, turned a blind eye to an epidemic that escalated too fast and too vast. The medical community started noticing patterns of a strange and deadly disease which significantly grew with the gay community in San Francisco. Not knowing where …show more content…

Here, patients experience isolation from their own families, peers and eventually, their community.”3 I personally had a colleague before that had acquired this disease unknowingly, and due to this “shame” that she carries, she hid under the declaration that her sickness was cancer. She was forced to resign the moment that rumors spread and reached top management, for fear that

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