
Informative Essay About Cancer

Decent Essays

Cancer is a word that no one wants to hear or think about, however there are many people that are faced with this ugly word every day. The denotative definition of cancer is a malignant and invasive growth or tumor, especially one originating in epithelium, tending to recur after excision and to metastasize to other sites. To many Americans cancer is so much more than this definition, it is estimated that 1,638,910 men and women will be diagnosed with cancer in 2012 according to the national cancer institute. When someone is diagnosed with cancer it affects many aspects in their life such as physical health, mental health, and emotional health. Cancer affects a person’s physical health tremulously. Depending on if a person …show more content…

The fact that a person has cancer could very well put them in a depressed state. Another mental hazard that is directly caused by having cancer is anxiety. Cancer is a word that gets people very anxious; anxious to know what’s going to happen how did this happen what to do ect… mental health is necessary to have when dealing with a life changing disease, most people cannot keep their head level enough to stay in a sane mind set. Cancer has the most affect on the emotional health. Cancer not only affects the patient directly but also friends and family. From an emotional stand point cancer is the worst thing that could happen to a person. It is a disease that is packed with emotions and feeling. Those who are diagnosed with this disease are mostly flabbergasted with pain of the heart and disbelief. The patients often think what will happen to them and how are they going to get through this horrible disease. Family and friends are affected because they have to watch their loved one go through this hardship. When I interviewed Kelly Mitchell about her Aunt Deena dying from cancer she said “The hardest part for me was to watch my aunt go from such a strong women in every way to a brittle little lady who had lost all hope of getting better, I really believe that if she had maintained good emotional health she would have lived a lot longer or

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