
Moving To Miami: A Short Story

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I did it. I moved to Miami. I let all of that shit that happened in Texas go. I no longer care what happens to Trevor. He can get out of jail, stay in jail, have ten kids with ten different women, and I wouldn't give a damn. That man almost drove me nuts with his antics, and I'm not going to waste any more of my time dwelling on him. He's not worth it. The further that I got away from Texas, I felt the chains that Trevor had on me breaking.
Driving and riding that long way gave me time to think things over and I can't lie, Mark has been on my mind quite a bit. He's such a sweet guy, and I hate that things had to happen like this, but I can't keep beating myself up about not accepting his proposal. I know that I've made the right decision by …show more content…

After I asked if she was sure, I helped her move her things into the spare room. The closet wasn't as big as the one in her room, but all of her things fit. With all of my clothing unpacked the reality of it all was sinking in. I was beyond excited about living with her and hoped that we didn't run into any problems.
I know that I practically lived with her during my vacation, but this was different. All of my belongings were here this time around. This was my new address, and in only a few days I would start receiving mail here. Looking out of the window and seeing my car and her van in the driveway was weird. I felt like my car should've been in Texas. Just looking at it brought back so many memories and I felt emotional. Maybe it was time for a new ride.
I deserved one. Since I'd sold the house in the country, I had more than enough cash to get a brand new car. My car had been giving me problems anyway, so it was time for something new. Moving to Miami is a new beginning so why not upgrade. While I gazed out of the window in the living room, Shay flopped down beside me on the couch and asked, “Are you …show more content…

I'm fine. Just thinking about getting rid of my car.”
“Yeah. I don't want anything to do with stuff that reminds me of the past.”
“I feel you. Do you know what kind you want?”
“I don't want anything to fancy. I don't even want leather seats or a sunroof. Just something basic and new.”
“Do you want to look for cars today?”
“Yes. I'd like to take you out to lunch first.”
“Okay. It's a date,” she said as she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.
It didn't take either one of us long to get dressed. We both wore t-shirts, shorts, and sandals. We took the long way to the restaurant and drove by a few dealerships. The lots were speckled with dozens of balloons and giant wacky inflatable air dancers in a variety of neon colors. While Shay drove, I took it all in. We passed several dealerships. I saw so many convertibles that I lost count. I didn't care about the convertibles. I actually felt pained as I looked at them. They reminded me of riding shotgun with Johaly in her aunt's Mercedes last summer. Just thinking about being a passenger in that hot box almost made me

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