
Mr. Charles And The Treatment Program

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Mr. Charles reported that he considers his mother to be a support system. Mr. Charles stated that she lives in Tampa, Georgia. Mr. Charles reported that his mother is against consuming marijuana. Mr. Charles stated that his mother does not consuming alcohol or marijuana. Mr. Charles stated that his friends and co-workers use drugs and alcohol. Mr. Charles stated that he is around drugs and alcohol when he is working as a DJ at times. Mr. Charles appears to understand the concept of the treatment program and seems ready and willing to start recovery relating to his mental and physical health, learning to live without substance use/abuse. IX. ASAM-DIMENSION 6 – Recovery and Living Environment Mr. Charles stated that he lives alone. …show more content…

Mr. Charles was arrested for the possession of cocaine. Mr. Charles stated that the cocaine that was found was his friend. The drug test may imply that he has recently consumed cocaine. Although Mr. Charles scored a four on the Michigan Alcoholism and Screening Test (MAST), he seems to be at risk of chemical dependency. Mr. Charles has stated that he is constantly around drugs and alcohol. This could be a concern as he attempts to stop consuming alcohol or drugs. Mr. Charles’ ability to maintain sobriety and learn a healthy lifestyle of recovery, taking into account that his drug dependence will only continue and possibly increase if untreated. Mr. Charles would benefit from an outpatient treatment program in order to become educated regarding the dangers of substance use/abuse. Mr. Charles will also be able to process his patterns of drug use and learn to recognize triggers that lead to his substance abuse. Mr. Charles will also be able to learn the effects and consequences of substance abuse and how to remain abstinent from drugs. While in group therapy, Mr. Charles will learn appropriate techniques to resist peer pressure to drug use as well as assist him in developing a supportive network to encourage him to maintain abstinence. The intervention would assist to minimize the possibility of Mr. Charles’ drug use from progressing into the late stages of chemical dependency. XIII. CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC CLASSIFICATION According to the

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