
Mr Hale. Danforth. Hale

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[Following a brief blackout, the lights rise on a small sparsely furnished common room. A seemingly mad Rev. HALE enters and upon removing his coat and hat place them on a hook by the door. Crossing a well-worn rug placed on the otherwise bare wood floor, he kneels and lights a fire in the stone fireplace. With a fire going, he stands and crosses back to sit in one of several chairs by the fire. A short time later, we hear a series of four loud knocks on the door Hale stands and crosses to the door admitting a stern faced DANFORTH and upset Rev. PARRIS.] Danforth. [Removes his coat and hat placing them on a hook alongside HALE’S; PARRIS follows his example.] That was quite a show you put on Mr. Hale, unfortunately I cannot say I was impressed. Hale. [Crossing back to the chairs and sitting accompanied by both Danforth and Parris.] My apologies Excellency, but I don’t see how such grounds can be used to sentence a man to death. Danforth. We have no reason to doubt anything the girls have told us Mr. Hale. Parris. Mr. Hale, I assure you that my niece and daughter are well aware of the punishments for lying. Hale. I’m sure they are Mr. Parris, but since no one is questioning the truth to their statements, they have no reason to be afraid of punishment. Parris. [He is clearly agitated his voice rises.] What are you suggesting, that there’s no witchcraft involved and they made up the whole story? [As his voice continues to rise.] People are being sentenced to death Mr.

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