
Mr. Keating 'Carpe Diem': Dead Poet's Society

Decent Essays

“Carpe Diem” The movie, Dead Poets Society, is mainly about a teacher named Mr. Keating. Mr. Keating teaches in a way that is different than the rest of the teachers at Welton Academy. He teaches in a way that really resonates with his students kids. For example, he uses “Carpe Diem” to teach the boys on what that means and how to live life that way. The other teachers teach with tradition, honor, discipline and excellence. In today's world, is it better to use Mr. Keating's way or Welton Academy's way? In this movie the students believe it is Mr. Keating's way. In the beginning, Mr. Keating was not liked because he didn't teach likeall the other teachers, it was very different for the boys. One of the ways he taught was to use the term “Carpe

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