
Mr. Tanimoto's Hiroshima Expository Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Hiroshima Expository Essay Growing up, we fall down and get hurt, but after all that is done, we brush off our pants and go again until we succeed. We grow from our mistakes so that we can’t make them a second time so that we can grow together in unity. Mr. Tanimoto is a man who grows upon the mistakes himself and others make and helps everyone else grow with him. Mr. Tanimoto is a honest and kind man, but he put himself before others that all changed after the bombing. Mr. Tanimoto was a grateful man that day he realized that he wasn’t as affected as others had been This soon later leads to him trying to help everyone that he can and “On August 9th, Mr. Tanimoto was still working in the park” (Hershey, 57). His story went from being the

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