
Ms. Yoer Reflection

Decent Essays

The fact that Ms. Yoder and I are just three years apart in age, we were both fortunate to learn about co-teaching while receiving our bachelor's’ degrees. One of our education courses focused on Marilyn Friend and the different co-teaching models. That is the extent of training Ms. Yoder has received in relation to co-teaching, therefore I play a greater role as the expert of co-teaching, and Ms. Yoder is the expert at unwrapping the standards. I typically listen or gather information from Ms. Yoder about what she wants to get across to the students, and then we work together to determine how that will look. She looks forward to the ideas I have about how we can structure the learning differently. My graduate coursework has focused …show more content…

Yoder and I have learned a lot. We have learned that the dynamics of the group might benefit from splitting the students up more through either parallel, station, or alternative teaching. I noticed on 2/19 that the students were more productive, thus learning more, when they were split into two separate groups. We also learned that we need to make some changes to our review and test correction days. We need to either change the procedure or overall structure of how these tasks are accomplished.

The meaning of this experience has led us to want to improve our current co-teaching practices and not just settle in a rut with the same Lead and Support structure day after day. With the goal setting activity, we decided what we want to change about our current co-teaching situation, and then we made a plan for how we would achieve our goals.

To improve as effective co-teachers, we need to dedicate time for consistent collaborative planning. Time is precious in our lives, but we are committed to blocking out time so we can grow as co-teachers. We also need to be reflective, and talk about how the lessons are going. The conversations may be tough, some days, but good teachers are reflective and provide constructive feedback. Goal Setting
#1: Participate in collaborative planning thirty minutes per day. We have agreed to plan either in person before/after school or through our shared planning documents each day, so we are able to stay ahead

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