
Mugg's Response To The Congressman

Satisfactory Essays

Mother tended to blame others for Mugg’s awful actions. In paragraph three, the narrator says that Muggs had bitten a Congressman who his father called to see on business. The narrator's mother never liked the Congressman, she said that “Muggs could read him like a book;” also mother said that the congressman's horoscope sign could not be trusted. In paragraph four, the author explains that Muggs was irascible in the mornings. Then goes on to tell a story of when Muggs chewed up the morning paper just has his brother Roy was coming down stairs. Homever the narrator told the end of the sorry saying “Muggs bit Roy viciously in the leg.” In paragraph seven, the narrators says that the police were called because of Muggs biting Mrs. Rufus Sturtevant.

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