
Multiple Black Holes Lab Report

Decent Essays

Multiple black holes have collided in the past, and scientists are now looking to the reason why certain ones collide. Two black holes collided in July and an article was recently published on November 15 at

This collision is the fifth collision on record. Scientists figure out the collision by measuring the gravitational waves. The gravitational waves warp the fabric of spacetime by using small vibrations. Normally, when there are vibrations found there is a lot of publicity. For this event, however, there was very little publicity. The scientists attempted to keep this very low-key. The two black holes that collided were large. The first one was 7 times the mass of the sun and the other was 12 times the mass of the sun. As I said, …show more content…

Astronomy is defined as the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. In this article, the astronomers figure out when a collision occurs by measuring the gravitational waves in space. The astronomers are also starting to look at why black holes pair with each other. This can help astronomers predict which ones will collide in the future if they are able to figure out why certain ones collide.

This article was enjoyable. However, this article was shorter so there wasn’t much of it to enjoy. I found it interesting how the astronomers find collisions. I had no idea that they measured the gravitational waves to figure out a collision. That completely amazed me. I chose this article because I have always loved astronomy. Learning about this subject really intrigues me and I always enjoy it. I had a wonderful time reading this article and am very glad that I chose it.

In conclusion, the fifth black hole collision occurred. To figure this out they used a machine to measure the gravitational waves in space. This collision also included the lightest black holes. Finally, the scientists are focusing on the whole population of black holes instead of single black

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