
Murder and Revenge in Aeschylus’s Play, Libation Bearers

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Aeschylus’s play Libation Bearers begins some years after the murder of Agamemnon. Orestes, the son of Agamemnon, has come to Argos from exile to obtain revenge for his father’s death. The murder of Agamemnon is his wife, Clytemnestra, which is also Orestes mother. Clytemnestra and her lover, Aegisthus, killed Agamemnon for killing their daughter as a sacrifice to the gods. After Orestes gives an offering to the river of Argos and to Agamemnon’s tomb, he sees his sister Electra approaching Agamemnon’s tomb with her slaves. Orestes and Pylades, Orestes’s friend, go into hiding while Electra approaches the tomb. Electra has come to Agamemnon’s grave to make an offering on behalf of Clytemnestra. Electra does not know what to say on behalf of Clytemnestra, so she asks the Chorus, the slave women, for advice. They pray for Orestes to come back. While Electra and the slave women are praying, Orestes and Pylades appear from the trees. Orestes reveals that the oracle of Apollo told him that he needed to go back to Argos and avenge Agamemnon. Orestes, Electra, and the Chorus then sing and chant to Agamemnon asking for help to avenge his death. Orestes then discovers that Clytemnestra had a nightmare that she gave birth to a snake, and when she was feeding it, the snake drew blood along with the milk. Orestes devises a plan to kill Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. Orestes sends Electra back to the palace, and advises the Chorus to help him when he enters the

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