
Muscle Contraction Lab

Decent Essays

Observation of a Muscle Fiber Concentration with ATP and Salts
Muscle contractions can be studied based on its length and tension. If the muscle tension changes but the muscle length remains the same, it would be described as isometric. However, a muscle contraction is isotonic if the muscle tension remains the same, but the muscle length changes. It is not necessarily for muscle contraction to mean “muscle shortening,” because muscle tension can be produced without changes in muscle length such as holding a heavy book or a dumbbell at the same position. The termination of muscle contraction is followed by muscle relaxation, which is a return of the muscle fibers to their low tension-generating state.
To become familiar with the skeletal …show more content…

Once at the supply table, muscle fibers were placed in the petri dish, with a small amount of glycerol over the muscle fibers. With clean fine glass needles, the muscle segment was teased to separate its fibers. Three single muscle fibers were obtained and measured their initial lengths using a millimeter ruler. Later they were transferred onto three different clean microscope slides with a glass needle, each fiber was flooded with several drops of the solutions, containing ATP, K+, and Mg^2. After 30 seconds, the fibers were remeasured to compare the ending lengths.
To find the contraction percentage of the muscle fiber when mixed with the different solutions. The initial length (mm) was subtracted by the ending length (mm) which equated to the net change in

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