
Muscle Stiffness Research Paper

Decent Essays

The effects of cold water immersion on muscle soreness after exercise: A critically appraised topic
Clinical Scenario:
Muscle soreness is something that happens to just about everybody at some point in time after being physically active.1 Being sore can be very inconvenient. Muscle soreness can change the way daily activities are performed. This is because the pain is often made worse by any type of movement. The muscle is unable to create its normal amount of force and there is often a decrease in range of motion (ROM).1 If there was a way to end muscle soreness as soon as possible, all of those symptoms could possibly be alleviated. This could be very beneficial because, a speedy recovery from muscle soreness could be very important to an athlete or patient who is involved in strenuous activities that require higher intensity efforts2. Some reasons to not use CWI are: cold allergies, decreased sensation or circulation, cold hypersensitivity and applying over sensitive areas such as the eyes, ears, neck etc.3 Indications for …show more content…

When CWI therapy is used the tissue temperature is decreased, decrease or delay inflammation, decreases tissue metabolism which increases oxygen demand to the area, decreases pain in the area making it easier to stretch or get the soreness out of a muscle, decreases muscle spasm which is a tightness in the muscle.3 The decrease in tissue metabolism helps the uninjured tissues to survive after the damage period of ischemia.4 If the

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